Opensabre是基于SpringCloud2023的微服务开发平台,整合了Spring Security、Springcloud Alibaba等组件。 包含了基础的RBAC权限管理、授权认证、网关管理、服务治理、审计日志等系统管理基础应用。 定义了相关开发规范、风格并落地在服务框架层,开箱即用,支持Docker、Kubenetes的部署。 让项目开发人员快速进入业务开发,而不需过多时间...
#安卓#A Sentry SDK for Java, Android and other JVM languages.
基于SpringCloud 的微服务,订单,支付,商场(活动),工作流,用户,短信,极光
모두를 위한 새로운 공연 라이프, 두둥!
🌐 Welcome to the Spring Boot Microservices Banking App! Explore user registration, account management, fund transfers, and transactions. 🚀 With a robust Service Registry and API Gateway, dive into s...
Spring boot microservice example with Eureka Server + Eureka Client + Spring Cloud API Gateway + OAuth2.0 + Circuit Breaker + Resilience4J + FeignClient + RestTemplate
翻译 - 带有Eureka Server + Eureka Client + Spring Cloud API Gateway + OAuth2.0 + Circuit Breaker + Resilience4J + FeignClient + RestTemplate的Spring Boot微服务示例
E-commerce platform showcasing microservice architecture with Spring Cloud, Event-Driven Design, and Cloud-Native patterns. Features service discovery, API gateway, distributed tracing, message queuin...
Automatically expose Feign Clients to Rest without web controller.
Unit & Integration tests for possible cases (includes repository, validation, etc.)
A Cloud Native App with Spring Coud Security with KeyCloak Auth Server, API Gateway Server, Naming Server, Config Server and Distributed Tracing and ELK Stack hosted in K8s
📄🚀 Unleash a powerful Document Search Engine with Apache NiFi for lightning-fast, comprehensive text indexing and search.
A simple core banking solution with microservices using Domain Driven Design and Event Sourcing
sample applications with implementation of unit, component, contract and integrarion tests using pact, gatling, spring boot test and hoverfly
Spring Boot Microservice Ecosystem Demo
This repository contains a simple microservice example in Java built during a live in my Youtube Channel
AWS XRay tracing helper configuration and Demo for spring boot with java.
KubePay is a Java 17+ financial demo leveraging Spring Boot 3 & Cloud for user registration, balance top-up, and fund transfers. Can be deployed on Kubernetes, it showcases microservice architecture, ...
A Spring Boot Microservice Example that includes Eureka Server, Zuul Gatway (JWT and RBA), Spring Cloud Config Server, Hystrix (Circuit Breaker) and three custom services for data.
Complete sample project with spring cloud using cloud config, eureka, zuul, feign, hystrix and turbine
A Library Management System written using Spring-Boot, Vuejs2, Spring-Cloud, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, Docker