go-zero 是一个集成了各种工程实践的 Go语言 web 和 rpc 框架,通过弹性设计保障了大并发服务端的稳定性。
Temporal 是一个微服务编排平台,使开发人员能够在不牺牲生产力或可靠性的情况下构建可扩展的应用程序。 Temporal 服务以弹性方式执行应用程序逻辑单元工作流,自动处理间歇性故障并重试失败的操作。
Open Source Development Platform for building robust type-safe distributed systems with declarative infrastructure
翻译 - 具有超级功能的Go后端框架
🚀 Progressive microservices framework for Node.js
An opinionated GoLang framework for accelerated microservice development. Built in support for databases and observability.
A fast, lightweight and more productive microservices framework
翻译 - 快速,轻量级且生产力更高的微服务框架
Helidon 是用于开发微服务的 Java 库的集合,基于 Netty。
PHP微服务框架即Micro Service Framework For PHP
Raw benchmarks on throughput, latency and transfer of Hello World on popular microservices frameworks
⚡ Micro frontend framework for scalable and blazing fast websites.
Write as Functions, Deploy as a Monolith or Microservice with WebAssembly
Lightweight open-source framework for developing microservices using standard Java EE technologies and migrating Java EE to cloud-native architecture.
API Generator - instantly generate REST and GraphQL APIs (openapi (OAS) 3.0.0)
Proteus is a blazing fast minimalist Java web server framework built atop Undertow.
Build scalable and durable micro-services with APIs, Messaging and Workflows
A Lumen based microservice ready to deploy with guzzle for consumption of api and OAuth 2
API development made easy: a smart Python 3 API framework
Module federation for the backend. Aegis core lib. Regain control of your microservices by consolidating them into one or more shared processes without loosing deployment or language independence. Eli...
🚀 Progressive microservices framework for Go - based and compatible with https://github.com/moleculerjs/moleculer