go-zero 是一个集成了各种工程实践的 Go语言 web 和 rpc 框架,通过弹性设计保障了大并发服务端的稳定性。
gRPC-Gateway 是一个 protobuf 插件。它读取 gRPC 服务定义并生成一个反向代理服务器,该服务器将 RESTful HTTP 接口转换为 gRPC,用于来满足维护向后兼容性或那些不支持gRPC的客户端
咖啡商店,一个事件驱动、微服务实战项目。使用Golang、Nomad, Consul Connect, Vault 开发以及Terraform部署
Enterprise-ready, GitOps enabled, CloudNative feature management solution
翻译 - 在现有基础架构中运行的功能标志解决方案
🕸️ GraphQL Federation Framework for any API services such as REST, OpenAPI, Swagger, SOAP, gRPC and more...
A powerful Go development framework for developing RESTful APIs, gRPC, and microservices projects in a "low-code" manner.
A proxy to transparently upgrade grpc-gateway streaming endpoints to use websockets
An example of using Go gRPC and tools from the greater gRPC ecosystem together with the GoGo Protobuf Project.
OpenVPN Management Server - Effortless and free OpenVPN server administration tool
A lightweight microservice tool, turn your grpc|thrift APIs into HTTP APIs!
Proto-first minimal server platform for gRPС+REST+Swagger APIs
Support REST, gRPC, gRPC-Web, and Connect clients with one server.
Bazel rules for building protocol buffers and gRPC services (java, c++, go, ...)
An all-inclusive protoc Docker image
A cloud-native project management microservice application. Services are built with various technologies e.g Go, NodeJS, Python, Ruby, MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL
protoc-gen-grpc-gateway-ts is a Typescript client generator for the grpc-gateway project. It generates idiomatic Typescript clients that connect the web frontend and golang backend fronted by grpc-gat...
扩展 go-zero 框架,能通过内置模板或外部模块一键创建项目,并基于 proto/api/sql 等可描述文件生成服务端/客户端/数据库代码,开箱即用并高度可定制化.