A Laravel Admin Panel (Laravel Version : 6.0)
翻译 - Laravel管理面板(Laravel版本:6.0)
Add support to multi-authentication to Laravel Passport
A Lumen based microservice ready to deploy with guzzle for consumption of api and OAuth 2
⭐️ Build APIs You Won't Hate In Laravel.
Nuxt.js app as a first-party client powered by Laravel Passport API
A package to get Laravel Passport working with MongoDB
Laravel restfull api boilerplate
An extensive multi-vendor e-commerce application with endless features and modules and a dedicated API with Passport authentication
Laravel Passport Multi-Authentication Middleware
The missing social authentication plugin (i.e. SocialGrant) for laravel passport.
This is just a simple app to show how to Authenticate a flutter app with Laravel passport
Laravel Passport OAuth2 Tutorial:
A full implementation of the heloufir/security-starter with an Angular 7+ front-end implementation, with a laravel 5.8.* server
翻译 - 带有Angular 7+前端实现以及laravel 5.8。*服务器的heloufir / security-starter的完整实现
Lumen example use of a GraphQL PHP server using Lighthouse package
A Laravel Package for easy API authentication setup with passport
The Laravel passport compatible oauth extension for your Flarum forum.
Security starter is a full implementation of laravel/passport and heloufir/simple-passport, containing all the implementations of the authentication and forgot password systems, which allows you to st...
#博客#🌟 🎯 📰 Dockerized Blog + Forum + REST API + App using Laravel, Vue.js