🚡 A modern, powerful, and robust URL shortener
翻译 - :aerial_tramway:一种现代,强大而强大的URL缩短器
Lumen rest api demo with Dingo/Api, JWT, CORS, PHPUNIT
翻译 - 带有Dingo / Api,JWT,CORS和PHPUNIT的Lumen rest api演示
Add ability to track Job progress, status and result dispatched to Queue.
Lumen 10 基础上扩展出的API 启动项目,精心设计的目录结构,规范统一的响应数据格式,Repository 模式架构的最佳实践。
A Lumen based microservice ready to deploy with guzzle for consumption of api and OAuth 2
A Laravel URL Shortener package that provides URL redirects with optionally protected URL password, Hidden UTM parameter tracing, URL expiration, open limits before expiration, ability to set feature ...
A RESTful API based on Lumen micro-framework with OAuth2.
Exemplary real world backend API built with Lumen + MongoDB
A starter project to develop API with Lumen 8.*
Boilerplate for laravel/lumen framework https://github.com/laravel/lumen, ready to be used with https://github.com/ionghitun/react-start-app or https://github.com/ionghitun/next-start-app
Ports commands from Laravel to Lumen. Mostly make commands at this time.
#博客#An API of a blog made with Lumen Framework for fast paced PHP, Laravel/Lumen learning using https://github.com/fattureincloud/a-lumen-blog template. Frontend: https://github.com/formidablae/AngularBlo...
🔨 An alternative RESTful API package for the Laravel and Lumen frameworks.
Pure PHP plugin to use/connect to shurjoPay
This is an implementation of a Circuit Breaker for PHP projects (https://martinfowler.com/bliki/CircuitBreaker.html), which can be used on your services.
Simple Polish Validation rules for Laravel and Lumen framework
The Laravel Lumen Framework as backend API with Vue.js included