A free shopping cart system. OpenCart is an open source PHP-based online e-commerce solution.
翻译 - 免费的购物车系统。 OpenCart是基于PHP的开源在线电子商务解决方案。
HookPHP基于C扩展搭建内置AI编程的架构系统-支持微服务部署|热插拔业务组件-集成业务模型|权限模型|UI组件库|多模板|多平台|多域名|多终端|多语言-含常驻内存|前后分离|API平台|LUA QQ群:679116380
#前端开发#VueFront Core. Turn your old-fashioned CMS website in to a SPA & PWA in 5 minutes
Template for OpenCart with Materialize
O projeto OpenCart Brasil é uma plataforma gratuita de loja online para lojistas brasileiros.
Free PWA & SPA for OpenCart
A free shopping cart system, based on OpenCart (http://www.opencart.com). An ideal alternative to Opencart, rich to develop - easy to use! Read Wiki for improvements over Opencart.
OpenCart PHP tabanlı açık kaynak kodlu online alışveriş sepetidir. Tüccarların düşük bir maliyet ile kendi e-ticaret mağazalarını oluşturmada yardımcı olan güçlü bir e-ticaret yazılımıdır.
Social Login for OpenCart allows your users to login and register with 35+ social networks. It increases your OpenCart registration rate by simplifying the registration process for new users and provi...
This is some of the plug-ins I developed for Opencart at work,A directory represents a plug-in
OpenCart Overclocked Edition. Advanced Shopping Cart CMS based on OC v1.5.6.X source code.
Editor online para arquivos XML no formato OCMOD integrado com o OpenCart.
7cart is a php7 project for building online shops, catalogs or service platforms. 7cart built with simple code and database schema. It is easy to support and fast.