《史上最简单的Spring Cloud教程源码》
Node.js circuit breaker - fails fast ⚡️
Hystrix compliant Node.js Circuit Breaker Library
Spring Cloud CLI features
.NET Circuit Breaker Pattern Frameworks
Spring Cloud Finchley版 微服务实践教程
🖥️ Hystrix Dashboard as a Spring Boot Admin 2.x Compatible Plugin
Netflix OSS, Zuul, Zipkin, Hysterix, Eureka, Docker, Angular4, Sleuth, Turbine
A Spring Boot Microservice Example that includes Eureka Server, Zuul Gatway (JWT and RBA), Spring Cloud Config Server, Hystrix (Circuit Breaker) and three custom services for data.
Vert.x implementation of a Hystrix Events Metrics Stream
eureka和consul服务注册中心, feign集成restTemplate和ribbon, ribbon负载均衡, hystrix-dashboard熔断器, zuul-filter路由过滤, bus消息总线
Spring Boot Microservices Application API Gateway, Service Registry, Circuit Breaker, Hystrix Dashboard, and Other Microservices
12 factor cloud native apps
Server res API use Kotlin spring boot
Spring Cloud Gateway with Hystrix example
simple-microservice-framework with distributed configuration,API gateway with spring security oauth2 protection. Feign+Zuul+Hystrix+Zipkin+Oauth2(mutilple mode)
基于 Spring Cloud 的快速云开发基础环境。A fast cloud development infrastructure based on Spring Cloud.
Spring Cloud Tutorial is a Spring Boot based tutorial project, which represents the basic and advanced usages of Spring Cloud, and also integrated with awesome features.