Fault tolerance and resilience patterns for the JVM
翻译 - JVM的容错和弹性模式
Fault tolerance and resilience patterns for Go
Node.js circuit breaker - fails fast ⚡️
React.js <img> tag rendering with multiple fallback & loader support
翻译 - 具有多个后备和加载器支持的React.js <img>标签呈现
GoWrap is a command line tool for generating decorators for Go interfaces
Simple, CSS utility classes for advanced typographic features.
翻译 - 用于高级印刷功能的简单CSS实用程序类。
A polyfill for the sharing that can be used in the desktop, too, so your users can share in their Twitter, Facebook, Messenger, LinkedIn, SMS, e-mail, print, Telegram or WhatsApp.
👨🎨 CSS Themes Made Easy. A robust, opinionated solution to manage themes in your web application
Magento 2 PWA fallback wrapper to easily create a custom theme on top of PWA Studio
🏢 CSS (SCSS) Grid based on CSS grid layout with @supports fallback to flexbox
🖼 Load placeholder image on image error, Angular 5+
Tiny web share wrapper with fallback for unsupported browsers
JavaScript Resilience Library
#IOS#The fallback mechanism with iOS is used to set fonts for different languages (script), thereby making text mixing typography more elegant. iOS 上利用 fallback 机制为不同语言的文字 (script) 设定字体,从而使得文本混排更为优雅。
Library and pattern for creating a scalable, loosely coupled service layer. Build interdependent services that are granular and testable. Inject a single client that allows the application to access t...
Image loader component with fallbacks for React Native apps
Google SwiftShader Windows builds focused on Vulkan driver with utilities to help usage