🚀一个用来深入学习并实战 Spring Boot 的项目。
#安全#Jasypt integration for Spring boot
翻译 - 用于 Spring Boot 的 Jasypt 集成
Spring Boot + Security: Token Based Authentication example with JWT, Authorization, Spring Data & MySQL
翻译 - 使用Spring Security进行JWT身份验证的Spring Boot演示应用程序
领课教育系统(roncoo-education)是基于领课网络多年的在线教育平台开发和运营经验打造出来的产品,致力于打造一个各行业都适用的分布式在线教育系统。系统采用前后端分离模式,前台采用vue.js为核心框架,后台采用Spring Cloud为核心框架。系统目前主要功能有课程点播功能,支持多家视频云的接入,课程附件管理功能,支持多家存储云的接入,讲师管理功能,支持讲师入驻功能,可以帮助个人或者...
Demo for Spring Boot 3(`master` branch)/2(other branches) and Spring Cloud microservices with distributed configuration (Spring Cloud Config), service discovery (Eureka), API gateway (Spring Cloud Gat...
翻译 - 具有分布式配置 (Spring Cloud Config)、服务发现 (Eureka)、API 网关(Spring Cloud Gateway、Zuul)、Swagger2 API 文档、使用 Spring Cloud Sleuth 的日志关联等的 Spring Boot 2 和 Spring Cloud 微服务演示
Kotlin based JHipster
Spring Boot Enterprise Application Development.《Spring Boot 企业级应用开发实战》
Spring Boot 2 starter powered by GraphQL SPQR
Spring Boot Refresh Token using JWT example - Expire and Renew JWT Token
Fast integration dependencies in spring boot.是一个快速集成依赖的框架,集成了一些常用公共的依赖。例:多数据源,Redis,JWT...
Spring Boot 脚手架 Mybatis Spring Security JWT 权限 Spring Cache + Redis
Spring Boot 2.x & 3.x Starter for Casbin, see example at: https://github.com/jcasbin/casbin-spring-boot-example
Read more http://blog.marcosbarbero.com/centralized-authorization-jwt-spring-boot2/
Example Spring Boot and WebFlux (Reactive Web) with Spring Security and JWT for token Authentication and Authorization
Spring Boot 2 OAuth2 JWT Authorization server implementation with Database for Users and Clients (JPA, Hibernate, MySQL)
sample microservices demonstrating usage of spring reactive support with spring webflux and integration spring cloud, eureka, ribbon, spring cloud gateway, spring data jpa and mongodb
Example of a microservices architecture on the modern stack of Java technologies
Full-stack implementation of TaskAgile application with Vue.js, Spring Boot, and MySQL