GitHub Action to build and push Docker images with Buildx
GitHub Action to login against a Docker registry
GitHub Action to set up Docker Buildx
GitHub Action to extract metadata (tags, labels) from Git reference and GitHub events for Docker
GitHub Action to install QEMU static binaries
Go SDK for GitHub Actions - easily author GitHub Actions in Go
Build and push docker images caching each stage to reduce build time
GitHub Action to use Docker Buildx Bake as a high-level build command
Automatically add an issue or pull request to specific GitHub Project(s) when you create and/or label them.
GitHub action to generate a changelog based on the Git history
Get better merge control
Generate coding activity graph tracked by WakaTime to embed in Readme(s) and webpages.
This is a GitHub Actions that sends a message to a given channel in Microsoft Teams
GitHub Action that will create a pull request from the current branch
GitHub Action for executing SSH commands on remote servers
GitHub Action that will create a new commit and push it to the repository
Continuously Deploying Django to DigitalOcean with Docker and GitHub Actions
Github Action to compile all examples of an Arduino library for one board and check for errors