每个JavaScript 开发者都应懂的33个概念
#计算机科学#A Collection of Cheatsheets, Books, Questions, and Portfolio For DS/ML Interview Prep
Descriptions of C++17 features, presented mostly in "Tony Tables" (hey, the name wasn't my idea)
#人脸识别#Learn OpenCV in 4 Hours - Code used in my Python and OpenCV course on freeCodeCamp.
翻译 - 4小时内学习OpenCV-我的Python和OpenCV课程中使用的代码
fast_io is a C++ general-purpose exception-safe RAII I/O library based on C++ 20 Concepts. It is at least ten times faster than cstdio or iostream.
翻译 - fast_io是基于C ++ 20概念的C ++通用异常安全RAII I / O库。它至少比cstdio或iostream快十倍。
C++17 Run-time Polymorphism (Type Erasure) library
#Awesome#📜 36 concepts every GraphQL developer should know.
Companion source code for "Programming with C++20 - Concepts, Coroutines, Ranges, and more"
Fast binary logger for C++
Concept Bottleneck Models, ICML 2020
#计算机科学#Machine Learning Concepts with Concepts
#算法刷题#The Art of Template MetaProgramming (TMP) in Modern C++♦️
#博客#Quick reference to JavaScript concepts when necessary ❤️
Modern port of Melanie Mitchell's and Douglas Hofstadter's Copycat