#IOS#coobjc provides coroutine support for Objective-C and Swift. We added await method、generator and actor model like C#、Javascript and Kotlin. For convenience, we added coroutine categories for some Foun...
翻译 - coobjc为Objective-C和Swift提供协程支持。我们添加了一个等待方法,生成器和参与者模型,例如C#,Javascript和Kotlin。为了方便起见,我们在cokit框架中为某些Foundation和UIKit API添加了协程类别,例如NSFileManager,JSON,NSData,UIImage等。我们还在coobjc中添加了元组支持。
ECMAScript proposal for the Record and Tuple value types. | Stage 2: it will change!
翻译 - 用于Record和Tuple值类型的ECMAScript建议。 |阶段1:它将改变!
std::tuple like methods for user defined types without any macro or boilerplate code
Provides additional methods on Array.prototype and TypedArray.prototype to enable changes on the array by returning a new copy of it with the change.
翻译 - 向Array.prototype提供其他方法,以通过返回包含更改的新副本来启用对数组的更改。
#算法刷题#The Art of Template MetaProgramming (TMP) in Modern C++♦️
A polyfill for the ECMAScript Record and Tuple proposal.
Permit Symbols as keys in WeakMaps, entries in WeakSets and WeakRefs, and registered in FinalizationRegistries
🦋 A simple Promise to [error, data] catcher.
#计算机科学#In this repository, I share codes of the introduction to python courses published on my YouTube channel
"Python for Absolute Beginners: A Comprehensive Repository" offers a structured learning path, interactive practice, and a supportive community to master Python from scratch. Dive into topics like con...
Immutable finite list objects with constant-time equality testing (===) and no memory leaks.
Optimizing the memory layout of std::tuple
Harbol is a collection of data structure and miscellaneous libraries, similar in nature to C++'s Boost, STL, and GNOME's GLib but for C99+