winesapOS - Game with Linux anywhere, no installation required!
Manjaro for WSL2 using wsldl
🎨 My personal KDE customization
#计算机科学#Shell scripts for setting up Manjaro Linux for Python programming and deep learning
为 windows 10 WSL 而做的 Manjaro Linux 发行版本
#编辑器#configuration for manjaro linux
💻 Nothing here just some Dot files
A clone of RetroPie for Arch Linux based systems with extra seasoning!
Manjaro rootfs with xfce4 and vncserver preinstalled. Just setup username, password and vnc password. Also one more edition with latest Anki preinstalled.
This is a template project using CMake to serve as a jumping off point for you to build your masterpiece olcPixelGameEngine application.
Your Manjaro distribution automatically loads packages for you.
Automatic install script for Invidious
Use manjaro linux as a headless server
🌟 The Most Prettier, TUI based Package Manager for Arch-Based Linux Distributions
A Manjaro Linux announcements notification app
Color themes for manjaro sway and foot terminal ( and