为 iTerm /iTerm2 提供了上百种终端颜色方案 / 主题,同时还涵盖了对众多其他终端、编辑器等的适配,包括但不限于 Terminal、Konsole、PuTTY、Xresources、XRDB、Remmina、Termite、XFCE、Tilda、FreeBSD VT、Terminator、Kitty、MobaXterm、LXTerminal、Microsoft's Windows Terminal、Visual Studio、Alacritty 等,以满足不同用户在不同环境下对终端颜色个性化定制的需求。
Powerlevel9k was a tool for building a beautiful and highly functional CLI, customized for you. P9k had a substantial impact on CLI UX, and its legacy is now continued by P10k.
A collection of themes for kitty terminal 😻
#编辑器#A 24bit colorscheme for Vim, Airline and Lightline
:metal: The biggest collection of themes for Terminator terminal.
Terminal output styling with intuitive and clean API.
That's a terminal prompt changer that shows a few cool git informations about your repository state. You can choose among different styles and enjoy all the aliases it provides you. Feel free for cont...
🕶️ A relaxed terminal theme to take a more relaxed view of things. For iTerm, Hyper, the macOS Terminal and a bunch of others.
Simple script to change color-schemes and fonts for Termite.
基于node-pty、xterm和vue的web terminal服务
🎨 Apply your Emacs theme to the rest of Linux, using magic. Also works on Mac.
An SBT plugin for making your SBT prompt more awesome
🚀 🦆Spaceduck theme but for terminal!
Generates popular themes from https://github.com/Mayccoll/Gogh for the https://github.com/gnunn1/tilix terminal emulator.
Just ys zsh theme with NodeJS version.
Unofficial port of poimandres theme for the Warp terminal
An npm package to simply and beautifully log to console.
My custom start script for new laptops 💻
Obsolete: use "kitty +kittens themes"