😸 Soothing pastel theme for the high-spirited!
Powerlevel9k was a tool for building a beautiful and highly functional CLI, customized for you. P9k had a substantial impact on CLI UX, and its legacy is now continued by P10k.
#编辑器#Adds file type icons to Vim plugins such as: NERDTree, vim-airline, CtrlP, unite, Denite, lightline, vim-startify and many more
Boost your terminal, script by script
💄 Yet another Aesthetic Hyprland Config
Coverflow like Alt-Tab replacement for Gnome-Shell
A soothing dark color scheme for neovim and friends.
⛄ Soothing pastel theme for Termux
#编辑器#Ultimate Dev Setup for Windows 🪟🪄
A dark theme with colourful shades of pastel.
Synaesthesia music visualization program
SDL port of Acidwarp, with enhancements and ability to compile for the web in Emscripten.