HiddenVM — Use any desktop OS without leaving a trace.
A framework that create an advanced stealthy dropper that bypass most AVs and have a lot of tricks
#Awesome#Tools and packages that are used for countering forensic activities, including encryption, steganography, and anything that modify attributes. This all includes tools to work with anything in general ...
Anti Forensics Tool For Red Teamers, Used For Erasing Footprints In The Post Exploitation Phase.
Awesome Forensics Resources. Almost 300 open source forensics tools, and 600 blog posts about forensics.
翻译 - 很棒的取证资源。近300种开源取证工具和600篇有关取证的博客文章。
Kernel rootkit, that lives inside the Windows registry values data
Anti-forensic macOS tray application designed to safeguard your system by monitoring USB ports.
BusKill's main CLI/GUI app for arming/disarming/configuring the BusKill laptop kill cord
Wipe files and drives securely with randoms ASCII dicks
Wipe files and drives securely with random ASCII dicks
中文化的隐私加强 GNU/Linux 系统 - Forked from Alien Bob's powerful building script for Slackware Live.
A stealth URL toolkit optimized for bypassing censorship filters and/or dropping malware
A simple Metadata Removal Tool for images and videos using exiftool and ffmpeg in C and Python3.
Fileless persistence, attacks and anti-forensic capabilties.
Windows anti-forensics USB monitoring tool.
Kernel-namespaces-based alternative to proxychains.
Anti-forensic and secure messenger
Clear diverses Logs and History Files saved by Windows.
A repo of utilities built over some period for forensics, anti-forensics, security and analytical purposes