#Awesome#Tools and packages that are used for countering forensic activities, including encryption, steganography, and anything that modify attributes. This all includes tools to work with anything in general ...
A simple Metadata Removal Tool for images and videos using exiftool and ffmpeg in C and Python3.
Windows anti-forensics USB monitoring tool.
Python Powered Repository
PNG file parser, for forensic/anti-forensic purposes primarily.
#安全#A counter forensics tool to make data on a storage medium unrecoverable.
Windows anti-forensics made easy
Chrome/Firefox extension that removes metadata before upload files
Overwrite parts of a file with fake file signatures/magic codes
Según la enciclopedia "Metallum", Aoratos es el nombre que trata del reino sutil y las entidades que se manifiestan desde el liminal y la inteligencia que no es del orden físico, por lo tanto "invisib...