Leaked pentesting manuals given to Conti ransomware crooks
翻译 - 泄露给 Conti 勒索软件骗子的渗透测试手册
Collection of private Yara rules.
RansomwareSim is a simulated ransomware
CryptoLocker is open source files encrypt-er. Crypto is developed in Visual C++. It has features encrypt all file, lock down the system and send keys back to the server. Multi-threaded functionality h...
This repo is a collection of Ransomware reports from vendors, researchers, etc.
A simple windows ransomware simulator that will rename .TXT files a ransomware extension to simulate ransomware behavior for testing various monitoring tools
Ransomware detection application for Windows using Windows Minifilter driver
🐝 Ransomware Detection using Machine Learning with eBPF for Linux.
DGA Domain Detection using Bigram Frequency Analysis
A collection of Malware Analysis software, materials, libraries, documents, books, resources about malware analysis in Cybersecurity.
A Windows Logon / Startup / Scheduled Task Script for Ransomware Detection & Early-Warning
Technion CS Ransomware Project: Writing Windows Mini-Filter Driver to protect PC from Ransomware
Ransomware Simulator for Blue team ,Ransomware Simulator for Red team ,Ransomware infographic, open source Anti Ransomware, Ransomware As A Service and Ransomware protection technologies
#计算机科学#A Deep Learning ensemble that classifies Windows executable files as either benign, ransomware, or other malware.
A suite of PowerShell and Python scripts to help you fight ransomware using both known filespecs and zero-day resistant honey traps.
🔄 Ransomware recovery app for Nextcloud
Analysis of techniques used by Conti ransomware affiliates from their leaked manuals.
Anti-Ransomware to mitigate and neutralize Ryuk Threat.