Python based backdoor that uses Gmail to exfiltrate data through attachment. This RAT will help during red team engagements to backdoor any Windows machines. It tracks the user activity using screen c...
UltraVNC Server, UltraVNC Viewer, UltraVNC Repeater and UltraVNC SC | Official repository:
A Python Hacking Library consisting of network scanner, arp spoofer and detector, dns spoofer, code injector, packet sniffer, network jammer, email sender, downloader, wireless password harvester cred...
The BackDoor of HIPHP gives you the power to control websites based on PHP using HTTP/HTTPS protocol. By sending files, tokens and commands through port 80's POST/GET method, users can access a range ...
Feature-rich Post Exploitation Framework with Network Pivoting capabilities.
The Android Java application for screen sharing and remote control from browser based WebRTC.
Ded Security Framework is a tool aimed at security professionals
A python based tool for exploiting and managing android devices via ADB
Remote access trojan created using WinRar with firefox installer and python Reverse Shell embedded.
Current repository of SparkView for Docker, globally distributed by beyond SSL GmbH.
Logger for Windows that disguises itself as a simple exe file
Reverse Shell: Remotely connect & manage computers. Single & multiple client support. Ethical use advised. Simplify remote access.
allows remote access of a computer via email
A script for controlling a computer with a wide range of functions: launching applications, managing media, adjusting volume and much more. Easy to use and customizable.
A cumulocity Agent in Python containing the basic functionalities.
In this article, we explore the Azure Application Proxy, a secure solution for providing remote access to on-premises applications.
The Bastion service provides seamless and secure RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) and SSH (Secure Shell) connectivity to virtual machines directly through the Azure portal.