#安卓#Sherpa-ONNX 是一个轻量级语音识别框架, 基于 Kaldi 和 onnxruntime,无需联网即可实现语音转文本、文本转语音、说话人分离以及语音活动检测(VAD)。支持嵌入式系统、安卓、iOS、鸿蒙系统、树莓派、RISC-V、x86_64 服务器、WebSocket 服务器 / 客户端,以及 C/C++、Python、Kotlin、C#、Go、NodeJS、Java、Swift、Dart、JavaScript、Flutter、Object Pascal、Lazarus、Rust 等编程语言。
#安卓#Thorium builds for Android (arm64 and arm32).
A library that simplifies intercepting application function calls using managed code and the .NET Core runtime
A FREE comprehensive online Go hacking tutorial utilizing the x64, ARM64 and ARM32 architectures going step-by-step into the world of reverse engineering Golang from scratch.
A FREE comprehensive online Rust hacking tutorial utilizing the x64, ARM64 and ARM32 architectures going step-by-step into the world of reverse engineering Rust from scratch.
ASM2HEX 是一款功能强大的汇编语言与十六进制机器码相互转换工具。它提供了一个直观的图形界面,让用户可以轻松地在汇编指令和对应的机器码之间进行转换。无论你是处理 ARM64、ARM 还是 Thumb 指令集,ASM2HEX 都能提供准确可靠的转换结果。ASM2HEX is a powerful tool for bidirectional conversion between assembly...
#计算机科学#🔮⚡️Vein is an open source high-level strictly-typed programming language with a standalone OS, arm and quantum computing support.
GitLab CE (Docker image) for ARM devices. This is a mirror repository of
A framework for lifting ARM32 to LLVM-IR and merging resulting code with LLVM-IR generated from source-code.
A minimal example showing how to get an arm32 virtual machine running on an arm64 host using the KVM API
The windowsARM toolkit for Windows phones