#编辑器#WinMerge is an Open Source differencing and merging tool for Windows. WinMerge can compare both folders and files, presenting differences in a visual text format that is easy to understand and handle.
翻译 - WinMerge是Windows的开源差异和合并工具。 WinMerge可以比较文件夹和文件,以易于理解和处理的可视文本格式显示差异。
#安卓#Sherpa-ONNX 是一个轻量级语音识别框架, 基于 Kaldi 和 onnxruntime,无需联网即可实现语音转文本、文本转语音、说话人分离以及语音活动检测(VAD)。支持嵌入式系统、安卓、iOS、鸿蒙系统、树莓派、RISC-V、x86_64 服务器、WebSocket 服务器 / 客户端,以及 C/C++、Python、Kotlin、C#、Go、NodeJS、Java、Swift、Dart、JavaScript、Flutter、Object Pascal、Lazarus、Rust 等编程语言。
fHash - an open source files hash calculator for Windows and macOS
a free multi-purpose color picker for Windows
Simple FFmpeg video player
A simple Serial-Port/TCP/UDP debugging tool.(简洁高效的串口、TCP/UDP网络调试助手)
MFC Grid control using a custom draw CListCtrl with subitem editing and formatting
All the algorithms in the book "Digital Image Processing and Machine Vision" C++ code; test under VS2013, use MFC as the interactive interface to realize the operation of the input image, covering all...
📦 微应用容器组件,对 DOM、CSS、JS 进行硬隔离,达到真正的技术栈无关,并且运行时集成,微应用可独立开发、部署、升级。使用如 iframe 般简便,却超脱 iframe 的局限,你值得一试!
IntelliFile is an alternative Windows version to the famous Total Commander!
A solar system simulator with Verlet, using OpenGL for displaying.