The push notification service for Ruby.
翻译 - Ruby的推送通知服务。
Personal Area Networking for .NET. Open source and professionally supported
#安卓#ffmpeg花式编译. build tool for all platforms: iOS, android, raspberry pi, win32, uwp, linux, macOS etc.
C# helper library to talk to the Philips Hue bridge
#安卓#iOS, Android and Windows Phone Push Notifications made easy!!
Chromecast C# SDK for .net standard 2.0
Bread Player, a free and open source music player powered by UWP and C#/.NET with a sleek and polished design built for, and by, the people seeking a better alternative to Groove and Windows Media Pla...
#安卓#CARTO Mobile SDK core project
#安卓#A groovy personalized home screen experience for Android
jQuery Picker Library for Android, iOS & Windows Phone. eg Date Picker, Time Picker, DateTime Picker, Custom Select etc
Unofficial Signal Private Messenger for Windows
Useful library for data driven Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 C# / XAML WinRT projects
Responsive Drag-&-Drop Event Calendar Library for Web, Mobile Sites, Android, iOS & Windows Phone
Web app for sending images and videos to another device, designed for low-end and legacy web browsers.
Batch script to install Windows 10 ARM desktop version to Lumia devices (dual boot & single boot).
BMW iBus .NET MF SDK and hardware
Power Widgets is new way to customize your at-a-glance info. With new widgets and mini-apps you can explore info and get fast access to important things.
[Open Source] It's like the iOS and Android Home Screens but for Windows 10 devices.
An attempt at creating a "desktop" environment mainly for Linux phones and tablets that's similar in function to some parts of Microsoft's Windows Phone 8.x, primarily the Start screen, Search app, na...