Personal Area Networking for .NET. Open source and professionally supported
Remote integration for Orvibo AllOne IR remote. Designed to be used with integration.
Wireless Communication Library Demos for Lazarus
Smart Near-Infrared Control (Control Cercano Infrarrojo Inteligente) Telegram Bot
Smart Near-Infrared Control (Control Cercano Infrarrojo Inteligente) App Desktop
Smart Near-Infrared Control (Control Cercano Infrarrojo Inteligente) Firefox Add-On
Smart Near-Infrared Control (Control Cercano Infrarrojo Inteligente) Firmware
All about this repository
Raspberry Pi Temp. Measurement & Ctrl. Program is a Python app for DS18B20 temp. monitoring on LCD. Fetches loc. & weather data from external sources. Features RGB LED ctrl. & IRDA remote support.
LCD-I2C-1program in python3 on Rasberry Pi