#算法刷题#[ARCHIVED] The C++ parallel algorithms library. See https://github.com/NVIDIA/cccl
翻译 - Thrust是一个类似于C ++标准库的C ++并行编程库。
C++ python bytecode disassembler and decompiler
翻译 - C++ python 字节码反汇编器和反编译器
Tool for safe ergonomic Rust/C++ interop driven from existing C++ headers
#算法刷题#[ARCHIVED] Cooperative primitives for CUDA C++. See https://github.com/NVIDIA/cccl
Fast, modern C++ DSP framework, FFT, Sample Rate Conversion, FIR/IIR/Biquad Filters (SSE, AVX, AVX-512, ARM NEON)
log4cplus is a simple to use C++ logging API providing thread-safe, flexible, and arbitrarily granular control over log management and configuration. It is modelled after the Java log4j API.
lightweight hypervisor SDK written in C++ with support for Windows, Linux and UEFI
C++ Driver for MongoDB
SonarQube C++ Community plugin (cxx plugin): This plugin adds C++ support to SonarQube with the focus on integration of existing C++ tools.
#算法刷题#Programmable CUDA/C++ GPU Graph Analytics
#数据仓库#A Modular Optimization framework for Localization and mApping (MOLA)
🍇 A C++ library for parallel graph processing (GRAPE) 🍇
#编辑器#Another free Win32 resource editor
open source software for bidimensional and tridimensional remeshing