JexBoss: Jboss (and Java Deserialization Vulnerabilities) verify and EXploitation Tool
Fastjson vulnerability quickly exploits the framework(fastjson漏洞快速利用框架)
Jok3r v3 BETA 2 - Network and Web Pentest Automation Framework
翻译 - Jok3r v3 BETA 2-网络和Web Pentest自动化框架
A collection of my quick and dirty scripts for vulnerability POC and detections
CVE-2019-8449 Exploit for Jira v2.1 - v8.3.4
PENTOL - Pentester Toolkit for Fiddler2
Challenges and vulnerabilities exploitation.
Open-source Exploiting Framework
#区块链#Blockchain Attack Vectors & Vulnerabilities to Smart Contracts
dDumper is a Drupal Vulnerability Scanner & an Auto Exploiter.
Python - Metasploit-Framework Database Management
#区块链#In this article, we will implement a Twist Attack with an example and show how, using certain points on the secp256k1 elliptic curve, we can get partial private key values and restore a Bitcoin Wall...
🚀 Server Directory Traversal at Huawei HG255s ☄️ - CVE-2017-17309 🚀
#区块链#In this article, we will implement a Twist Attack with an example and show how, using certain points on the secp256k1 elliptic curve, we can get partial private key values and restore a Bitcoin Wall...
#计算机科学#Code Portfolio -- Collection of Interesting CS and ECE Projects in different languages (C, C++, Python, CPU & GPU Parallel Paradigms, MATLAB, and VHDL) and target hardware with technical reports, and ...
Damn Vulnerable Tiny Web Server - A deliberately insecure webserver for learning purpose
Hack your GitHub account in just a few minutes using my custom python installer!