Wiki to collect Red Team infrastructure hardening resources
↕️🤫 Stealth redirector for your red team operation security
🔀 Redirect social media platforms to their privacy respecting frontends
Transparent proxy server and traffic wrapper
Anonymous url redirector and shortener
💡 Browser extension for Chromium kernel. For modifying your Ajax responses
🧭 Full-featured, self-hosted URL shortener.
This is a quick script installation for resilient redirector using nginx reverse proxy and letsencrypt compatible with some popular Post-Ex Tools (Cobalt Strike, Empire, Metasploit, PoshC2).
Customize remote websites. This extension injects your Javascript- or CSS-based modifications on every visit. Also supports URL rewriting using regular expressions.
Firefox addon that redirects you from proprietary web-services to ethical alternatives.
Your Skyfall Infrastructure Pack
a secure and highly-portable reverse proxy (redirector) for your Red Team infrastructure.
Cross-platform commandline utility listening for requests and emails from a URL and forwards them locally
RedBlock is an Nginx module designed for offensive security operations and red teaming. This module empowers security professionals to easily block all IPs associated with hosting and cloud infrastruc...
Are you forwarding DNS traffic to another server for some reason, but want to make sure only queries for certain names are passed? Say no more.
🔗 Configurable module for force https in your Zend Framework/Laminas Mvc and ZF Expressive/Mezzio Application.