My simple Swiss Army knife for http/https troubleshooting and profiling.
翻译 - 我简单的瑞士军刀,用于http / https故障排除和性能分析。
💻 Netcat client and server modules written in pure Javascript for Node.js.
A set of utility/tools to make Raspberry Pi [Zero W] into Swiss Army Knife
Swiss army knife Webserver in Golang. Keep simple like the python SimpleHTTPServer but with many features
Docker image with tools like curl, wget, ping, nslookup, dig, psql etc.
cfg2html is a UNIX shell script similar to supportinfo, getsysinfo or get_config, except that it creates a HTML (and plain ASCII) system documentation for HP-UX, SCO-UNIX, AIX, Sun OS and Linux system...
All In One Pentesting Tool For Recon & Auditing , Phone Number Lookup , Header , SSH Scan , SSL/TLS Scan & Much More.
SwissAdminTool es una herramienta desarrollada en Bash y Python para Administradores de Servidores y de Sistemas informáticos. Nos permitirá la instalación, configuración y despliegue de los distintos...
👀 Intercept requests passively of DHCP from own network! 👀
TYPO3 Extension for highlighting pages with records and content elements in the pagetree
Swiss-army-knife CLI compatible with BASH & ZSH on Debian and Macintosh with an array of utilities for optimising your development workflow and productivity in the terminal
CrackMapExec Swiss army Knife Dismantling
SAKOE - Swiss army knife for openedge, provides various tools useful for any openedge developer such as database manipulation, compiling a project, linting source files, etc...
A usefull Powerline segment. This segment launch a user defined complex command line and show the result.
Export data from tool ""
Swiss army knife for web enthusiasts
RaspberryAP... Simply and fast AP(Access Point) for your Raspberry!