Rewrite of the popular wireless network auditor, "wifite"
翻译 - 重写流行的无线网络审核员“ wifite”
A set of utility/tools to make Raspberry Pi [Zero W] into Swiss Army Knife
Herramienta enfocada al Networking, para auditorias o bien para gastar bromas en nuestra Red Wifi o a otras Redes Wifi. [NO ME HAGO RESPONSABLE DEL MAL USO DE ESTA HERRAMIENTA]
This program is a WiFi-Cracker, you can test many passwords for a desired Wi-Fi to find its password!
This is a cybersecurity tool created for cracking, testing and securing wifi networks. This tool was built using python.
The wifi hacking tool kit
Save tons of storage space by eliminating data redundancies in your cowpatty dictionaries
WiFi Password Cracker is a Python script that retrieves saved WiFi profiles and their passwords on a Windows machine. It uses the netsh command to access and display this information. The script uses ...
API for, the central service of the .cap cracker