An Android app for customizing Material You colors on devices with Android 12+. It lets you tweak accent colors, background saturation, and more for a personalized look.
An automatic theorem prover in OCaml for typed higher-order logic with equality and datatypes, based on superposition+rewriting; and Logtk, a supporting library for manipulating terms, formulas, claus...
Herramienta enfocada al Networking, para auditorias o bien para gastar bromas en nuestra Red Wifi o a otras Redes Wifi. [NO ME HAGO RESPONSABLE DEL MAL USO DE ESTA HERRAMIENTA]
🌈 Saturation manager utility (with bypassed limits) for Intel™ and dual-graphics laptops.
Generate unique and beautiful colors from any texts or numbers
Asymmetrical Distortion Audio Plugin for Windows, MacOS and Linux
#安卓#This is a beautiful open-source image-editing app for Android/iOS. It is built with Dart on top of Google's Flutter Framework.
A Virtual Analog Library written in SOUL
Sencilla Herramienta la cual usa 2 tipos de técnicas para Desconectar a dispositivos conectados a una red por tiempo ilimitado. Herramienta desarrollada en Español e Inglés. [Para los Ataques a otras ...
Lowpass filter + saturation audio effect plug-in
Linux color inversion (rgb, hue rotation, color matrices)
#安卓#A library for image manipulation with power of renderScript which is faster than other ordinary solutions.
C++ header only library for saturation arithmetic functions and always saturating types.
🎨 Color utilities for Node.js. Conversion, modification, and color schemes of: RGB (at any bit depth), HSV, HSL, HSI, HSP, CYMK, YIQ, XYZ, xyY, L*a*b*, L*u*v*, Y'PbPr, Y'CbCr, and more.
Virus Troyano indetectable que satura RAM y procesador (nucleos e hilos) al 100%, bloquea mouse y teclado, hace colapsar la unidad C y Windows en tan solo segundos.
#编辑器#React Profile Editor, crop, upload, apply filters and adjust colors for your avatar image. Optimize the image size for your application
#IOS#The Colour Slider for iOS and iPadOS projects