#计算机科学#🎛 🔊 A Python library for audio.
翻译 - 用于向音频添加效果的 Python 库。
Synthesizer plug-in (previously released as Vember Audio Surge)
翻译 - 合成器插件(先前以Vember Audio Surge发行)
Rust VST3 and CLAP plugin framework and plugins - because everything is better when you do it yourself
Your Hardcore Loop Machine.
Physical modelling signal processing for analog tape recording
翻译 - 模拟磁带录音的物理模型信号处理
Digital Audio Workstation with Python; VST instruments/effects, parameter automation, FAUST, JAX, Warp Markers, and JUCE processors
#算法刷题#My curated list of audio DSP and plugin development resources
Enhanced version of Cockos' iPlug - A simple-to-use C++ framework for developing cross platform audio plugins and targeting multiple plugin APIs with the same code. VST / VST3 / Audiounit / RTAS / AAX...
翻译 - Cockos的iPlug的增强版-一种易于使用的C ++框架,用于开发跨平台音频插件并使用相同的代码定位多个插件API。支持VST / VST3 /音频单元/ RTAS / AAX(本机)格式。注意:这已过时,请参阅IPLUG2:
An audio plugin with Pure Data embedded that allows to load and to control patches
A user interface toolkit mainly for audio plug-ins
Make VST2 / VST3 / AU / AAX / CLAP / LV2 / FLP plug-ins for Linux/macOS/Windows, using D.
Vaporizer2 hybrid wavetable additive / subtractive VST / AU / AAX synthesizer / sampler workstation plugin