An audio plugin with Pure Data embedded that allows to load and to control patches
declarative polyamorous cross-system intermedia objects
翻译 - 声明性多角跨系统中间对象
friendly modules for pure data vanilla. bop 🐤 is suited to embedded, distributed, and miscellaneous digital musical applications.
An app that allows Pd users to run patches in a web browser and share them with a web link
Library for working with PureData on the Bela Platform
A USB-C PD Sink up to 20V 5A based on the Cypress CYPD3177 USB PD Controller
Plugin de Jquery que exporta una tabla HTML a JSON, CSV, TXT, o PDF y forzar al navegador a descargar el archivo generado.
An introduction to computer music with examples in Pure Data
Reimplementation of FiveThirtyEight NBA Elo-only Model (Not CARMElo!)
Puredata (Pd) abstractions for preset management, based on central [stash/hub] and small [stash] plugin objects