declarative polyamorous cross-system intermedia objects
翻译 - 声明性多角跨系统中间对象
Max/MSP external for scripting and live coding Max with s7 Scheme Lisp
Ableton MIDI Sculptor: Tools for MIDI editing in Ableton Live
ppooll (formerly lloopp) is an audio & video performance environment written in max/MSP.
A library for communicating with Live via WebSockets, works both in NodeJS and in the Browser.
A JavaScript version of the Bose Frames SDK
Implementation of NewTek NDI protocol for Cycling 74's Max
🎹 Modular sound playback, processing, & performance tools for students of Max and live electronics at Harvard University
Collection of Max/MSP and Pd externals developed from the explanations in the book "Designing Audio Objects for Max/MSP and Pd" by Eric Lyon.
a max for live patch for writing javascript in Ableton Live
Over 150 Airwindows plugins as Max/MSP externals using the Min C++ API. Contains reverbs, delays, filters, compressors, and more.