An audio plugin with Pure Data embedded that allows to load and to control patches
Purr Data - Jonathan Wilkes' cross-platform Pd-l2ork version
👌 A Minimal Engine for creating Node-Based Visual Programming User Interfaces
Virtual Lyra 8 in VST3, VST2, AUi, LV2 (Camomile) and Standalone (Pure Data) format.
#IOS#Run your Pure Data patches on iOS with native GUIs emulated
Pure Data abstractions for electroacoustic composition & live electronics
Some abstractions for Puredata: Simple loopers, effects and helpers.
A set of Pure Data abstractions, including sequencers, GUIs, and other utilities.
PuREST JSON is a library for connecting Puredata (Pd) to HTTP services and encoding and decoding JSON data.
A suite of Pure Data abstractions for musical live coding
Pure Data port of the Scheme For Max external, providing an embedded S7 Scheme/Lisp interpreter for scripting and live-coding Pure Data in Scheme Lisp.
#Awesome#A list of Pure Data libraries, abstractions, projects and presentations