Source code for SonoBus, a real-time network audio streaming collaboration tool.
翻译 - SonoBus的源代码,SonoBus是一种实时网络音频流协作工具。
Element Audio Plugin Host
翻译 - 元素音频插件主机
Enhanced version of Cockos' iPlug - A simple-to-use C++ framework for developing cross platform audio plugins and targeting multiple plugin APIs with the same code. VST / VST3 / Audiounit / RTAS / AAX...
翻译 - Cockos的iPlug的增强版-一种易于使用的C ++框架,用于开发跨平台音频插件并使用相同的代码定位多个插件API。支持VST / VST3 /音频单元/ RTAS / AAX(本机)格式。注意:这已过时,请参阅IPLUG2:
A user interface toolkit mainly for audio plug-ins
A collection of templates for creating Audio Unit V3 in Xcode
Virtual Analog Oberheim based synthesizer.
Template to build an iPlug2 project with CI/CD and publish a WAM to github pages
VST delay plugin where the repeats degrade in resolution
A basic and experimental guitar modeling amp
#IOS#Powerful polyphonic synthesizer for iOS that relies on sound fonts for generating audio -