Tool to find CVEs and Exploits.
市场上虽然存在大量的网络安全工具和软件,但它们大多针对某一特定领域或功能,缺乏一个统一的、集成的、易于使用的综合工具平台。这导致参赛者在CTF竞赛中需要频繁切换不同的工具,不仅降低了工作效率,还增加了操作失误的风险。由gitee转发 ↓
Automatic Service Enumeration Script
Search an exploit in the local exploitdb database by its CVE
A jupyter notebook that contains the main commands executed during a penetration test
Independant repo to my fork of exploitdb
Searchsploit alternative. It differs in that it uses searchengines, can run unattended in the background, plays well with nmap and is able to process large lists of packages or services on it's own. I...
WordPress version scanner written in Python.
A native macOS GUI wrapper built on top of searchsploit CLI.
NetGun is a free and open source tool for Vulnerability Assessment, port scanning, services enumeration, misconfigurations testing and CVE research
Extract Nmap XML output and lookup services in (Exploit-DB) searchsploit program.
make exploitation easy with exploiter
A client-server application for CVE analysis and exploit detection with bilingual support, detailed reports, and a modern web interface.
Automate network discovery, service scanning, and vulnerability discovery with one script. Leverages nmap's xml output and uses searchspoit to display potential exploits.
Xsearch - a utility to search exploitdb for exploits and shellcodes.
#下载器#QuickScript to download exploits from exploitdb
Find SearchSploit exploits by CVE-IDs / dpkg status file
Advanced Python-based wizard tool designed for managing and analyzing vulnerabilities.
Mirlex-ToolKIT is a tool designed to facilitate the use of tools available in Kali Linux.
RaptorVingtDeux automates network scanning with nmap, allowing customizable scans and port selection, and integrates Searchsploit to find known vulnerabilities for detected software versions.