SeaweedFS 是一个用于blob、对象、文件和数据湖的分布式存储系统,可快速存储和服务数十亿个文件
Ceph is a distributed object, block, and file storage platform
翻译 - Ceph是一个分布式对象,块和文件存储平台
A feature complete and high performance multi-group Raft library in Go.
翻译 - Go中功能完善的高性能多组Raft库。
cloud-native distributed storage
翻译 - 面向云本机应用程序的分布式文件系统和对象存储,用于分解的计算和存储。
Ongoing Storj v3 development. Decentralized cloud object storage that is affordable, easy to use, private, and secure.
翻译 - 正在进行的Storj v3开发。价格低廉,易于使用,私有且安全的分散式云对象存储。
Pravega - Streaming as a new software defined storage primitive
翻译 - Pravega-流式传输作为一种新的软件定义的存储原语
Bitalostored is a high-performance distributed storage system, core engine based on bitalosdb(self-developed), compatible with Redis protocol.