Distributed Storage System for QEMU
翻译 - QEMU的分布式存储系统
Overlaybd: a block based remote image format. The storage backend of containerd/accelerated-container-image.
翻译 - 覆盖
notcurses block device manager / system installation tool
Standalone Linux IO Tracer (iotrace) is a tool for block device and filesystem I/O tracing
Replicated Block Device backed by FoundationDB
Open Source declarative disk configuration system for Kubernetes
User-Space Block Device (USBD) Framework (written in Go)
program to dump the 512 bytes mbr code from the first sector of the disk to a file
📁 FUSE-based file system, which stores all data in a single file while emulating a block device
A rust library (crate) for listing mounted or mountable drives on linux (flash drives, sd-cards, etc.)
OSXBlockDev Enables use of block devices under Mac OS X with existing file semantics
Trying to implement simple filesystem for flash device
BlGui displays information about blockdevices in a nice GUI
LaTeX source code of my diploma thesis titled "SSD based caching for block devices"