The term MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. MVC is a software design pattern that separates an application's logic according to responsibilities: The model manages the application's data structure, the view manages how information is represented in the user interface, and the controller accepts input and dispatches commands to the model and the view.
#Web框架#一款严格遵守MVC设计模式的Ruby Web框架。设计原则包括“不做重复的事”和“惯例优于设置”
#Web框架#Iris 是基于 Go 编写的一个快速,简单但功能齐全、高效的 Web 框架。
一个 ASP.NET Core 电子商务网站
#IOS#30 mini Swift Apps for self-study
翻译 - 30个迷你Swift应用程序供自学
#安卓#Uber's cross-platform mobile architecture framework - Android Repository
翻译 - Uber的跨平台移动架构框架。
🎧 Vue + SpringBoot + MyBatis 音乐网站
🚀 PHP Microservice Full Coroutine Framework
翻译 - Micro PHP微服务完整协程框架
🔥 The fastest way to build type safe web apps. IHP is a new batteries-included web framework optimized for longterm productivity and programmer happiness
Use WordPress backend with Laravel or any PHP application
翻译 - 将WordPress后端与Laravel或任何PHP应用程序一起使用
Use WTM to write .netcore app fast !!!
翻译 - 使用WTM快速编写.netcore应用!
2012 UI framework (I was 20 years old, React didn't exist, inspired by Knockout)
✨ Mojolicious - Perl real-time web framework
Open Source ASP.NET MVC Enterprise eCommerce Shopping Cart Solution
翻译 - 开源ASP.NET MVC企业电子商务购物车解决方案
An extensible framework to audit executing operations in .NET and .NET Core.
翻译 - 一个可扩展的框架,用于审核.NET和.NET Core中的执行操作。