#编程语言#Coq is a formal proof management system. It provides a formal language to write mathematical definitions, executable algorithms and theorems together with an environment for semi-interactive developme...
翻译 - Coq是一个正式的证明管理系统。它提供了一种正式的语言来编写数学定义,可执行算法和定理,以及用于半交互式开发机器检查的证明的环境。
A modern proof language
翻译 - 现代证明语言
A Proof-oriented Programming Language
Agda is a dependently typed programming language / interactive theorem prover.
Lean Theorem Prover
翻译 - 精益定理证明
A dependently-typed proof language intended to make provably correct bare metal code possible for working software engineers.
A friendly little systems language with first-class types. Very WIP! 🚧 🚧 🚧
A fast functional language based on two level type theory
Cedille, a dependently typed programming languages based on the Calculus of Dependent Lambda Eliminations
A Haskell library for typesafe music composition
An exhaustive list of all Rust resources regarding automated or semi-automated formalization efforts in any area, constructive mathematics, formal algorithms, and program verification.
Proof assistant based on the λΠ-calculus modulo rewriting
A proof assistant and a dependently-typed language
🚧 (Alpha stage software) A declarative data definition language for formally specifying binary data formats. 🚧
A Compiler for the Popr Language
An in-progress fast, dependently typed, functional programming language implemented in Swift.
CoqHammer: An Automated Reasoning Hammer Tool for Coq - Proof Automation for Dependent Type Theory
Lecture notes on univalent foundations of mathematics with Agda