一个拍照做题程序。输入一张包含数学计算题的图片,输出识别出的数学计算式以及计算结果。This is a mathematic expression recognition project.
DFA regular expression library & friends
翻译 - DFA正则表达式库和朋友
A tiny evaluator and compiler of arithmetic expressions.
BNF wrangling and railroad diagrams
翻译 - BNF争斗和铁路图
My course design for compiler theory (Visualization).
A tiny C compiler written purely in JavaScript.
Learn how to build a compiler by interacting with Let's Build a Compiler by Jack Crenshaw in Swift Playgrounds
A simple command-line calculator program writen with Rust.
Modern efficient runtime for Nasal: using stack-based direct-threading virtual machine.
An unofficial reference implementation of the C Minus Minus Compiler
Course Experiment of Compiler Principles(Compiler Theory) 【Visualization】.. 编译原理实验,主要包括:1. C语言词法分析(代码扫描器) 2. 用递归方法实现的Thompson算法将正则表达式转换为NFA、DFA、最小化DFA并生成对应代码 3. Tiny Parser 4. LL(1)分析器
a simple pl/0 compiler implemented in rust.
哈尔滨工业大学/南京大学编译原理课程实验Web版IR虚拟机(含CLI版)💎The remastered Web IR Virtual Machine for HIT/NJU Compilation Principle Labs (with CLI version)
Astview is a graphical viewer for abstract syntax trees
Simple "Hello World" for lex (flex) and yacc (bison) compiler of compilers
A domain specific language for guitar tablatures typesetting based on an old and almost lost music notation.
一个微型的 LL/LR/LALR 语法解析器 | A micro compiler project to provide LL/LR/LALR syntax parser