一个拍照做题程序。输入一张包含数学计算题的图片,输出识别出的数学计算式以及计算结果。This is a mathematic expression recognition project.
Code for BMVC paper "Joint Action Unit localisation and intensity estimation through heatmap regression"
#人脸识别#This is a Python 3 based project to display facial expressions by performing fast & accurate face detection with OpenCV using a pre-trained deep learning face detector model shipped with the library.
#人脸识别#A systematic comparison of different machine learning & deep learning classification approaches applied to the problem of fully automatic recognition of Facial Expressions.
This is the code repository of model TDGAN. Paper: Facial Expression Recognition with Two-branch Disentangled Generative Adversarial Network.
3D facial reconstruction, expression recognition and transfer from monocular RGB images with a deep convolutional auto-encoding neural network
#计算机科学#Recognising expression/emotion of unique faces in a video
#人脸识别#Emotion recognition system based on LBP-TOP.
#大语言模型#MER is a software that identifies and highlights manipulative communication in text from human conversations and AI-generated responses. MER benchmarks language models for manipulative expressions, fo...
🐾 EmotionCube: An intelligent companion robot is designed based on expression recognition and intelligent speech.
#人脸识别#Face gender, expression, and age estimation
CNN (Convolutional neural network)-based facial expression recognition model (with pretrained weights) implemented with Pytorch
#人脸识别#Multi-race 7 Expressions Recognition Dataset
#计算机科学#Emotion and Facial Key-Point Detection Classify emotions and detect facial key-points using deep learning! This project combines CNNs and Residual Blocks to predict 15 facial key-points and categorize...
#计算机科学#Realtime Expression Recognition in Python using SVM
An expression recognition system created in MATLAB.