An implementation of regular expressions for Rust. This implementation uses finite automata and guarantees linear time matching on all inputs.
DFA regular expression library & friends
翻译 - DFA正则表达式库和朋友
The fast scanner generator for Java™ with full Unicode support
A low level regular expression library that uses deterministic finite automata.
Match tens of thousands of regular expressions within milliseconds - Java bindings for Intel's hyperscan 5
All the weekly lab work of the subject 18CSC304J Compiler Design.
clex is a simple lexer generator
An implementation of regular expressions for Python that uses a finite state automaton(正则引擎的Python实现,包括从NFA到DFA和DFA的最小化)
A Python library for simulating and visualizing finite automata
non-backtracking NFA-based regular expression library, for C and Python
These are my programs for compiler design lab work in my sixth semester
Visual Automata is a Python 3 library built as a wrapper for the Automata library to add more visualization features.
OCaml code to construct an NFA from a regular expression
An ecosystem of packages to work with automaton and parsers (dfa/nfa/e-nfa/regex/cfg/pda)
Работа с регулярными выражениями средствами платформы 1С:Предриятие
A library for finite automata and regular expressions in the context of JS RegExp