Digital Signal Processing - Theory and Computational Examples
GDI SF - Web Development and Programming Curriculum
🚀 The ultimate collection of Software Design Patterns & Principles with examples [38/79 Patterns].
#自然语言处理#FREE ML Courses from Top Universities in CS
A collection of free teaching material that teaches Computer Science through engaging games and puzzles that use cards, string, crayons and lots of running around.
A collection of interactive lecture notes and assignments in Jupyter notebook format.
Activities and exercises for the Part IA computing course in Michaelmas Term
An introduction to language design through building a compiler frontend and completing a self-paced exercise on top of LLVM.
😎 Материалы для успешного прохождения курсов на Бакалаврской программе «Программная инженерия» ФКН НИУ ВШЭ
Базовый курс JS
Advanced Analytics with R training material delivered in a 2 day format
翻译 - 高级分析,以2天格式提供R培训材料
#算法刷题#This repository contains example files organized by chapters in Mastering Algorithms with C, by Kyle Loudon
A guide to making simple games with Processing
Shiny apps for educational purposes.
#Awesome#Awesome list of web development resources 💥As you learn, keep this list handy.
Materials for the undergraduate course in gate-model quantum computing at UBC.
Intro to R training material delivered in a 2 day format
Intermediate R training material delivered in a 2 day format
Applets for students to playfully interact with physical relationships and atmospheric models in an inquiry-based course on Atmospheric Physics.
Essential Neural Network Resources for Beginners and Enthusiasts. Dive into Learning