Collection of utility types, complementing TypeScript built-in mapped types and aliases (think "lodash" for static types).
翻译 - 实用程序类型的集合,是对TypeScript内置映射类型和别名的补充(对于静态类型,请考虑“ lodash”)。
Configuration module for Nest framework (node.js) 🐺
🔥🔥🔥 这是一个专注研究Typescript的网站,🎖🎖🎖在这里你可以全面深入学习Typescript相关知识,通过动画方式讲解TS,还有很多常见问题解答。你还可以挑战相应的题目,快来学习吧。
This repository is just a bit of fun that explores pushing the advanced features of TypeScript's type system to the limits by using it to solve Sudoku puzzles.
This repository is just a bit of fun that explores pushing the advanced features of TypeScript's type system to the limits by using it to generate a type for the lyrics of The 12 Days of Christmas.
Segundo projeto com NestJS, onde testei várias coisas novas, além de estudar muito o ecossistema de containers com Docker
API for the Strategy UI
Primeiro projeto com NestJS, onde aprendi o básico do framework realizando um login jwt. Também iniciei estudos em Docker.
Typescript for job interviews 📘