Collection of utility types, complementing TypeScript built-in mapped types and aliases (think "lodash" for static types).
翻译 - 实用程序类型的集合,是对TypeScript内置映射类型和别名的补充(对于静态类型,请考虑“ lodash”)。
✨ Awesome TypeScript Examples with complete show cases of how to take advantage of the language potential.
Compose object types containing mutually exclusive keys, using this generic Typescript utility type.
Collection of typescript utility types that extends the official utility types.
cometkim's collection of frequently used JavaScript/TypeScript utilities.
🔥🔥🔥 这是一个专注研究Typescript的网站,🎖🎖🎖在这里你可以全面深入学习Typescript相关知识,通过动画方式讲解TS,还有很多常见问题解答。你还可以挑战相应的题目,快来学习吧。
improved types for every day sounding like symphony
Utility Types to quickly query and Omit, Pick keys inside nested arrays and objects
Utility types and implementations based on JavaScript prototypes.
A collection of handy Typescript types.
🧰 A Collection of TypeScript Utility Types
A collection of small utility functions to check javascript variable types
Utility type for omitting nested properties from a type
Collection of custom utility types and functions for TypeScript to simplify development
Typescript types so good they're magic!
Test your types using just the TypeScript compiler and no external tools.
TypeScript library with additional utility types and predicators generation
Personal collection of assorted TypeScript utility types