为键盘工作者设计的单词记忆与英语肌肉记忆锻炼软件 / Words learning and English muscle memory training software designed for keyboard workers
Smassh your Keyboard, TUI Edition
#计算机科学#Command line tool for improving typing skills (programmers friendly)
The app provides an interactive typing experience with switchable templates, designed to help users improve their typing speed and accuracy
Compete with friends in the best typing speed test for programmers.
Practice touch-typing with top 1000 keywords of the most popular programming languages.
typist is a simple, terminal typing speed test using only the standard c libraries.
A typing speed test game for web & desktop build using Flutter
A typing test with 3d animations
1 minute Typing speed test game built with React. Test your typing speed online and find out how fast can you type in real world.
monkeytype "for developers". 💥
Typeinc is a cool ncurses based Typing Speed Test tool where you can enjoy typing experience in Terminal with different difficulty levels.
A web app that tests your typing skills with your own text developed in dart with flutter
TypeMore is a modern web application for testing and improving typing skills. The project offers an interactive interface for touch typing practice, competing with friends, and tracking progress.
Clone of monkeytype.com, created with Svelte
A Responsive Typing Test Website. Uses quotable api to fetch new quote.