Manifold is a Java compiler plugin, its features include Metaprogramming, Properties, Extension Methods, Operator Overloading, Templates, a Preprocessor, and more.
翻译 - Manifold插入Java以补充其强大的功能,从类型安全的元编程,扩展方法,运算符重载和单元表达式到集成的模板引擎和预处理器。 IntelliJ IDEA中完全支持所有功能。只需将Manifold添加到您的项目并开始利用它。
#前端开发#A programming language that's wise beyond its bytes!🌱🌿🪴
A statically structurally typed JIT-compiled programming language, mainly for embedding in other programs.
A simple little programming language that could one day compile to JavaScript.
Examples in various programming languages about how structural typing is supported
Statically-checked duck typing (structural typing) for Sorbet. Quack!
Junu Spaghetti, a language that types spaghetti code
A general-purpose interpreted programming language implemented in Rust.
A typed lambda calculus with a set-theoretic type system, that serves as the theoretical basis for other languages with set-theoretic type systems