A mini-preprocessor library to demostrate the recursive capabilites of the preprocessor
翻译 - 一个微型预处理器库,用于演示预处理器的递归功能
#前端开发#A programming language that's wise beyond its bytes!🌱🌿🪴
A type-level implementation of Smallfuck in Rust, doubling as a Turing-completeness proof for Rust's type system.
A type-safe C successor that compiles directly to various platforms.
Miscellaneous esoteric programming languages.
Running a Block Collider blockchain node and a CUDA GPU miner in containers.
[toy] industrial-strength implementation of the SKI calculus, using XML
repo for the heapfuck language a small bf-like turing tarpit and it's interpreter (in C)
Coding on Casio scientific calculators using built-in functions
Macrometa: Macro Metaprogramming (MCMT) Library for C
this is the repo for the (SIASL)² language a turing tarpit I'm making on my spare time
[WIP] Single-instruction turing-complete interpreter and compiler
Even worse than Malbolge. When "Oh no" just doesn't cover it.
regexp-based esolang inspired by FRACTRAN and Thue
Esoteric unary combinatory logic (variant of Jot)