dynamic datasource for springboot 多数据源 动态数据源 主从分离 读写分离 分布式事务
🍄 Samples for Spring Boot.
Spring Boot 多主从数据源读写分离
🚥 Simple Spring Boot Multi DataSource(100 行代码手把手教你实现 Spring Boot 多数据源)
php crud api program developed with php and MySql
A SpringBoot2-based full-scene supported multi-datasource framework, supporting Spring-JDBC、Mybatis, MyBatis-Plus, MyBatis-Tiny, ShardingSphere, Mycat etc
Multiple DataSource (MySql & Postgres) with their own JPA Configurations and their own Initializers
springboot framwork integrated dubbo, redis, kafka, multi-datasource and so on. And centralization of configuration based on zookeeper.
Demo for Springboot project include mybatis multi-datasource
Consistency-Checker is a Spring-Boot + Spring-Batch application to verify the consistency between the data in two databases; the RDBMS-type-row-column data in MySql and the NoSql-JSON-type data in Cas...
Multiple DataSource (MySql & Postgres) with their own JdbcTemplate and their own Initializers
Springboot 中mybatis使用多数据源 (多个JavaConfigClass)
This app reads user data from external API, process into its format and write to its own database