A Python package for interactive mapping and geospatial analysis with minimal coding in a Jupyter environment
翻译 - 用于地理空间分析和交互式映射的 Python 包,在 Jupyter 环境中以最少的编码
#计算机科学#A Python package for segmenting geospatial data with the Segment Anything Model (SAM)
A multi-page streamlit app for geospatial
翻译 - 用于地理空间的多页流线型应用程序
GeoAI: Artificial Intelligence for Geospatial Data
Introduction to GIS Programming
Custom Jupyter widgets for creating interactive 2D/3D maps using popular JavaScript libraries with bidirectional communication, such as Cesium, Mapbox, MapLibre, Leaflet, and OpenLayers
Public Fused UDFs. Build any scale workflows with the Fused Python SDK and Workbench webapp, and integrate them into your stack with the Fused Hosted API.
Earth Engine and Geemap: Geospatial Data Science with Python
A collection of Jupyter notebooks for GEE Courses
Links and slides from the OpenGeoHub summer school 2023
Google Earth Engine tutorials
A collection of Jupyter notebook examples for using GeoAI
Interactive web apps created using leafmap and streamlit
A collection of open-source software packages for the geospatial community
Publishing interactive web apps using leafmap and streamlit
An interactive Solara web app for visualizing geospatial data